At the beginning of fall and spring semesters, Health Sciences Classroom Services (HSCS) will send scheduling update communications to schools, which will include the upcoming final exam scheduling process.
You can view the upcoming final exam schedules here.
HSCS will assume final exams will be held online, unless we receive a request to hold an in-person final exam, through your submission of the Final Exam Request form. Changes to final exams (dates, times, classrooms) must also be submitted through the Final Exam Request form.
Review Final Exams Schedule
To review your department's final exams, please follow these steps:
- Sign into Astra with your University internet ID and password in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
- Click on the “Academics” tab located in the top navigation menu.
- Click on the “Sections” link at the top of the page.
- Update the filters in the left column as follows:
Is Exam = Yes
Term = (ex. Spring 2025)
Subject = (Select the subject(s) you schedule)
Campus = Mpls/St Paul - Click “Search” at the bottom of the filters.
- To save your filter selections for future use, click on the save button on the bottom left side of the page.
*Your school is responsible to inform your students when and where their final exams will take place.