Updates, Initiatives & Projects


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Scheduling Changes

  • Health Sciences Priority Scheduling - The priority scheduling of Health Sciences (HS) schools and programs will be discontinued as of January 15, 2025. The delay in this transition is intended to allow HS schools and programs an opportunity to adjust their internal processes in order to comply with this change. Note that semester course scheduling deadlines will change as well to align with other classroom service units. 
  • Event Scheduling - HSCS will continue to schedule events as soon as possible once class section needs have been scheduled. However, due to course scheduling changes, it is highly probable that event scheduling within HSCS spaces will be reduced to only a few weeks prior to the semester start.

Support Services Changes

HSCS will align to the standard level of services currently utilized by the Office of Classroom Management. These service changes will impact any course or event occurring on or after July 1, 2024.

To meet the Classroom Services Maroon Standards, HSCS will retire:

  • Computer-based testing support
  • Spare laptops - HS schools will be expected to provide their own devices for use
  • Room computers - HSCS will continue to phase out room computers. Consider encouraging presenters to use laptops in classrooms as soon as possible.
  • Rapid Response Technical Support - HSCS will shift to primarily remote support, but will continue responding at physical locations for equipment failures.
  • Green, Red, or blue markers will no longer be supplied in classrooms - Rooms will be stocked with black markers only in alignment with University standards.
  • Controlled access at the room level - Rooms will be set to unlock at 6:30am and will lock at 10:00pm in alignment with classrooms across campus. Current U Card access for HS students, faculty, and staff will be removed as the spaces will remain unlocked and accessible throughout the day. 

Additionally, the following services will move to a fee-based model in HSCS classrooms:

  • Room equipment needs - Moving or adding Table Monitors (ALC carts), Whiteboards, Tables, Chairs, etc.
  • Zoom support and facilitation
  • On-site technical support
  • Room setups - Including requested wall partition moves
  • Classroom recording facilitation and scheduling


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Removal of Classroom Phones

As part of a larger University effort, Health Sciences Classroom Services will be removing classroom phones by January 1, 2024. 

Signage has been placed in classrooms indicating this upcoming change. Additionally, phones will remain in the following locations due to poor cell phone signals:

  • PWB: 2-350 | 2-360 | 2-362 | 2-364 | 2-366
  • Mayo: A110 | D199
  • Moos: 1-430 | 1-435 | 1-440 | 1-450 | 1-451 | 1-455 | 1-460

Removal of Classroom Computers

In an effort to create a more uniform classroom experience across the University, classroom computers will be removed over the next three years concluding June 30, 2026. 

Computers are scheduled to be phased out during room updates. Additionally, if a computer suffers a critical failure, the device will simply be removed from the classroom.

Summer 2024

  • HSEC: 2-101A/B
  • Mayo: D325 | 3-100 | 3-125 | 4-200 
  • Moos: 2-580 | 2-520 | 5-125 2-650 | 2-690 
  • PWB: 2-470 
  • Weaver-Densord: 2-110 | 2-120

Winter Break 2024-2025

  • HSEC: 2-101A | 2-101B | 4-101 | 4-103 | 4-105 | 4-107 | 4-191 | 4-193 | 5-191 | 5-193
  • PWB: 2-350 | 2-360 | 2-362 | 2-364 | 2-366 | 3-102

Summer 2025

  • ASVM: 125 | 135
  • BPOM: 213 | 215
  • HSEC: 2-110 | 2-132 | 2-138 | 3-110 | 3-150 | 7-150 | 7-152 
  • PWB: 3-150 | 3-152 | 3-154 | 3-156
  • VetSci: 145

Removal of HSEC and PWB Manual Window Shades

Due to poor design and multiple failures, window shades in PWB and HSEC classrooms are being removed as they fail. 

Glass walls will have window film applied as a permanent solution when funding allows.


Classroom staff install technology upgrades to Moos 1-450/1-451 classroom
RoomAction/TaskAnticipated Completion Date
Moos 1-450Full Technology UpdateSummer 2024
Moos 1-451Full Technology UpdateSummer 2024
Moos 2-690Technology UpdateSummer 2024 
HSEC 2-132/2-138Programming UpdateSummer 2024 
HSEC/PWBMicrophone UpdatesSummer 2024 
(pending funding)