Health Sciences Classroom Services recognizes the unique and vital role that student groups play in the educational process. The following guidelines apply specifically to student groups sponsored by or housed in health sciences colleges, schools, departments or units requesting use of Health Sciences Classroom Services space:
Official Student Groups
Students listed as officers of registered student organizations (per the SUA website) may request health sciences classroom space. University department staff are responsible for sending Health Sciences Classroom Services an updated list of departmentally sanctioned student groups at the beginning of each calendar year and notifying us of any changes in the interim.
UMN Student Organization HSCS Classroom Use Agreement
Cleanliness of Rooms
- Users are responsible for leaving the classroom in good condition. This includes returning chairs and tables to their original location and placing waste in the trash bins.
- All users are responsible for appropriate disposal of waste. If users have food at an event they must notify Health Sciences Classroom Services so that appropriate custodial arrangements can be made. If there are not enough trashcans in a room to accommodate all waste, users are responsible for calling the Facilities Call Center at 4-2900 to request additional waste containers.
- If Health Sciences Classroom Services receives complaints about the condition of a classroom following student group use and additional custodial services are required, a fee of $100.00 or more will be charged to the department (or student group).
Classroom Technology
A/V and other classroom equipment must be used appropriately. Users may not move, unplug, modify, remove or otherwise tamper with any equipment or fixtures, including podiums. Any repair or replacement costs will be charged to the department (or student group).
Alcohol Use
All users must abide by University Regents policies regarding alcohol use on campus.
Policy Violations
Violation of any of these policies will be reported to departmental contacts and departments will be billed for any clean-up or repair costs. In addition, departments may choose to fine or sanction student groups for violation of use policies. Repeated violations by a student group may result in cancellation of any future classroom reservations and refusal of future request for classroom use.